Saturday 12 February 2011

Christchurch Harbour - Peregrine and Otter Spraint

On the Stour at Christchurch Harbour
I joined my girlfriends family today for the maiden voyage on her Dad's new boat.  Ian has been restoring the boat for months so today was pretty exciting. We'd just boarded the vessel and whilst brushing 'dirt' off the seats I suddenly realised I was staring at a big pile of otter spraint! The boat hasn't been covered with tarpaulin and the cavities in the bow of the boat had been providing a nice shelter for an otter.

The trip was a quick one,as the light was fading, but we had great views of peregrine falcon perched on a fence post close to the shore at Stanpit Marsh.  I'm looking forward to a bit of fishing and otter spotting in the summer!

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