Tuesday 13 December 2011


There have been up to five short-eared owls at Papercourt Meadows in Surrey recently.  I love short-eared owls so I've been down there a coupe of times with my camera gear hoping to get some decent shots.  So far nothing great but I'm starting to learn their behaviour at this site so hopefully I'll get some decent shots next time I visit. 

The owls haven't failed to entertain.  At around 15:00 at least two or three seem to appear from nowhere and then continue to quarter the fields looking for voles.  They often have disputes when they meet each other and this results in a short chase, accompanied by lots of barking.  A barn owl has also been showing nicely at dusk.   
Short-eared owl

Short-eared owl being photographed

Short-eared owl

Barn owl